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Join us for an enchanting evening of food and classic cinema on Saturday, December 30th, at 6 pm! We’re excited to host a Potluck and Movie Night, featuring the timeless film “Meet Me in St. Louis.”

Bring your favorite dish and share in a feast of homemade delights. From appetizers to desserts, we look forward to tasting everyone’s culinary contributions!

After enjoying our potluck, we’ll gather to watch “Meet Me in St. Louis.” This charming 1944 musical film, starring Judy Garland, is a delightful portrayal of a year in the life of the Smith family at the turn of the 20th century. The film captures the romance and gentle humor of the era, set against the backdrop of the 1904 World’s Fair. It’s a heartwarming story of family, love, and anticipation of future joys. Fil screening starts at 7 pm.

This is a wonderful opportunity to mingle, make new friends, and enjoy a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.


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