We are into July! Time is flying by so quickly. We have now had two Tuesday worship services, and there is one more before vacation break. Last Tuesday Kathryn Fournier came and spoke of love in her experience with Living in Right Relations and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It was a magnificent story. Thank you, Kathryn. This coming Tuesday July 14th at 7:00 p.m. we welcome Steven Hick. Steven is the coordinator of the meditation group that has been meeting here at Carleton Memorial on Wednesday evenings for the last several years. Steven will speak on Buddhist insight meditation or mindfulness meditation – what it is and how we do it, then engage in a short meditation. All are invited. 
Riverside United Church is continuing their worship here at Carleton Memorial as they are undergoing renovations to their church building. We are happy to extend this hospitality to them, and they are enjoying this new experience. I hope your summer is going well. 
I know many of you are away and seeing family and enjoying many parts of Canada and the world. We look forward to seeing you all again soon. 
As I drove to work this morning, I saw a police car had pulled a driver over- maybe for speeding, and I was reminded of this old nugget: 
A policeman was hiding in his usual spot when he saw a car speed by at 120 km/hr. Quickly turning on his siren, he pulled over and elderly lady. 
“License and registration please” said the policeman in a gruff voice. 
“I’m sorry,” said the woman, “I forgot to ask my husband where he keeps his registration, before I shot him!” 
“You what?!” hollered the policeman. 
“I shot him,” she responded,” and I put him in the trunk, if you want to see”. 
Within two minutes, there were 8 police cars pulled up behind her and an officer spoke into a megaphone,”Come out of the car with your hands up”. While one police officer watched the lady, another opened the trunk. 
“Uh ma’am, there’s no dead man in the trunk.” 
The lady replied haughtily,”Why would there be?” 
Another officer said “This car is registered in your name.” 
“Yes, it’s my car” she said. 
“Well” they both responded,” the police officer who stopped you, said you shot your husband, the owner and put him in the trunk of the car!” 
“Humph” said the woman, “I bet that old liar told you I was speeding too!” 
No ticket was issued. 
Have a good weekend, see you Tuesday evening.