Hello Friends,

Susan and I are happy to be back home after an amazing time of holiday and continuing education. We have enjoyed lots of family time and catching up with long time friends. We hiked in the Rockies, waded in the Atlantic, swam and water-skied in a northern Ontario lake.

fghjfghjfWe studied United Church history at a United Church Camp in Berwick N.S. and followed along on the internet as the United Church made history at the General Council meeting in Cornerbrook NL. In the first of two major decisions the Council approved the Comprehensive Review Recommendations, which sets out a plan for reorganization of the United Church of Canada. There are many implications for us at Carleton Memorial, as the local congregations – now called “Communities of faith”  will have more responsibility and more self-determination.  There will be changes to many things as well as renewed commitment to aboriginal ministries and other new forms of ministry. We have attached a summary of some of the changes for your information. There will be some work ahead for all of us in making some of these changes.

In another major decision the General Council voted to sell its fossil fuel assets and commit financially to funding an economy based on renewable energy. Once again I am proud of our church for taking a lead internationally to protect and sustain the environment. This is an example of living out the part of our Creed with calls us to “live with respect in creation”.

Our new Moderator, The Reverend Jordan Cantwell is from Saskatoon. I believe she is up for the challenge of the next 3 years as the Church lives into the changes that are coming. When asked in a media interview how she will sustain and nurture her own faith and spirit in the busy times ahead she said that it will be very important for her to keep her daily practice of centering prayer.

Friends, the best thing we can do to support our church and our Moderator is to also be faithful to our own spiritual practices. It is a good thing to pray daily in whatever form you find helpful and faithful. Whatever that is I encourage you to practice daily.

Our summer services held during the week in July and August are coming to a close. Our last service this summer will be on Thursday September 3rd, at 7:00 p.m. We begin our Sunday services on September 6th at 10:30 a.m.

I trust you have all had a good summer and I look forward to seeing you all again soon.


Rev. Boyd