It is a bittersweet moment for me to post this final blog to you.
This has been a wonderful but difficult week for me. I began the week with a magnificent celebration on Sunday evening with a de-covenanting service and retirement celebration. At the de-covenanting, we promised to let each other go our own ways, wherever God might take us. At the retirement part, I was astonished by the presence of Lynda Sharpe, music director at St Andrew’s United Church, Vernon Bridge PEI who came at your invitation to celebrate my retirement. I shall never forget that generous gift.
I have appreciated the opportunity I have had to work at CMUC and to be with you over the past 18 months. You have been a gift to me, and I thank you for that. May God be with you as you move forward with the new minister Rev Eric Lukacs, you have chosen, and as you move forward into whatever future God holds for you.
Blessings and peace to you.
Rev. Boyd Drake
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