My friends…
It has been an unexpected pleasure to write this every week. When I first started, I thought that I would be basically making small talk. BLOG’s are passé, I thought to myself.
But I was wrong.
It has been centering for me and, by faith, allowed me to be inspired by you – those of you from Carleton Memorial United Church and those of you from other parts further afield.
This inspiration has the added benefit of purpose: namely the next chapter of the concrete ministry of Carleton Memorial United Church is taking shape – real ideas leading to real things that will continue to make a difference in people’s lives. Faithful, progressive social engagement is part of the DNA of CMUC. I am honoured to have participated in that stream of work.
So please accept my sincere wishes for a Happy New Year – filled with positivity and a knowledge that God meets you where you are at never really wanting to leave you there – rather allowing you to grow at your own pace leading you to a more mature faith.
With much love,
PS – I will be taking a break in January and will be back to writing on February 1st, 2017.
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